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Language Assistance Plan

Language Assistance Plan

Diversified Members Credit Union (DMCU) is dedicated to fostering financial inclusion and community development. This plan focuses on providing equitable access to financial resources for individuals with limited English proficiency (LEP).

Plan Guidelines:

DMCU has made a commitment to provide language assistance to its members, ensuring that LEP individuals have equal access to financial services. This commitment aligns with the principles of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, emphasizing nondiscrimination in programs and activities receiving federal financial assistance.

DMCU shall take reasonable steps to provide LEP individuals with meaningful access to all products, services, and programs offered by DMCU.

The guidelines set forth in our plan are to ensure that we take reasonable steps to ensure we are inclusive of all individuals with LEP. We will ensure that employees are trained in assisting members with Limited English Proficiency. We will always take reasonable steps to effectively inform the public of the availability of language accessible programs and activities.

Identification of Language Needs
To identify language needs, DMCU reviews census data, and reviews our communities and our membership to ensure we have the appropriate language assistance available. Currently, we have identified Spanish as a primary need. However, we are here for the entire community and will help you to the best of our ability regardless of language needs.

Language Assistance Services
DMCU will provide the following language assistance services, with a primary focus on Spanish.

Translation Services

  • Website is currently offered in English and Spanish.
  • Online banking will be available in Spanish as of July 1, 2024.
  • Interpretation/translation services (via a third party) will be available in September 2024.
  • Key documents such as financial education materials are primarily in English but can be translated as needed.
  • Key documents, such as applications, disclosures, and marketing materials will be translated as needed.

Implementation Plan
The plan to provide language assistance has begun and is an ongoing work in progress. Member feedback is essential to providing the best viable solutions.

Staff Responsibilities

DMCU management will oversee the implementation of the Language Assistance Plan and certain DMCU employees will be assigned responsibilities as deemed necessary.

Feedback Mechanism

DMCU will regularly assess and improve language assistance efforts based on community input.

  • Please email us at to provide feedback regarding our program or if you need additional language assistance.

Monitoring and Evaluation
DMCU will audit the program annually through feedback analysis to monitor the effectiveness of language assistance services. The results will inform adjustments to the plan to better meet the needs of any LEP persons.

Compliance and Reporting
To ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations, DMCU will maintain thorough records of language assistance activities and provide timely reports to any regulatory bodies deemed necessary.

DMCU is dedicated to serving all members regardless of language proficiency particularly to our Spanish Speaking Communities. We believe that financial inclusivity is a key component in the communities we serve.

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