All DMCU branches will be closed on Monday, February 17, in observance of Presidents Day. We will reopen with normal business hours on Tuesday, February 18.

Personal banking solutions

for the neighborhood.

A DMCU credit union account makes checking easy.

 There’s nothing better than a great neighbor. They let you borrow their lawnmower when yours is on the fritz. They’ll feed your cat when you’re on vacation. And they always bring that incredible potato salad to the cookout.

We’re like that neighbor, plus we offer savings, checking and retirement accounts to fit your needs. We'll even help you set up online banking or transfer your money from a bank to our credit union.

Credit Union Checking Account
Credit Union Checking Account

Checking easy. That means no minimum fees, no minimum balance, plus interest dividends.

Credit Union Savings Account
Credit Union Savings Account

Just $5 to open and no monthly maintenance fees. Why pay when you are saving?

Credit Union Retirement Account
Credit Union Retirement Account

Start saving and investing for your future now. Check out our
IRA rates.

Youth Savings Account
Youth Savings Account

We offer savings options to help our youngest members learn good habits and financial responsibility early.

Credit Union Savings Account
Save To Win Certificate

Open an account with $25 and you're already entered to win a prize!

Join the neighborhood today!

Come on over and share the wealth with thousands of other members through rewards, low rates, and making financing a breeze.

Online Banking Login