All DMCU branches will be closed on Monday, February 17, in observance of Presidents Day. We will reopen with normal business hours on Tuesday, February 18.

Celebrating 90 years with Rocks 4 Cash

Find a purple rock and you’ll receive $90 cash AND a $90 donation will be made to local charities.


To help celebrate our 90th anniversary, our team painted 90 rocks and hid them at local landmarks in Novi, Detroit and Clawson for you to find.


But don’t worry, we don’t expect you to turn over every rock (pun intended), we’ll be sharing hints across our social media channels. So keep your eyes open and you’ll be that much closer to stashing an extra $90 in your wallet!

Since we also look out for our communities, we’ll make a $90 donation to the following charities for each rock found.

Rock must be taken into a DMCU location by November 2, 2019. Winner may only collect one time.

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