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Knowing Tax Breaks In Novi: Child and Earned Income Credits

There are several areas to look at when it comes to having strong overall finances, and one of these that some people don’t spend enough time on is tax breaks. Also known as tax deductions or tax credits (both technically forms of tax breaks), these can refer to a number of different situations where you … Continued

Common Loan Types: Basics on Unsecured Loans

In part one of this two-part blog series, we went over some basics on secured loans and what they mean. Present across a number of loan types, secured loans refer to those that are backed by collateral, meaning the lender can claim this collateral if the borrower is unable to pay the loan back in … Continued

Common Loan Types: Understanding Secured Loans

When you’re looking into obtaining a loan of several different types, there will be a few important considerations. One of the simplest ones, and an area it pays to know a bit about: Secured versus unsecured loans. What are these, and which is right for you? At Diversified Members Credit Union, we’re proud to offer … Continued

Correcting Bad Detroit Money Habits: Savings and Expenses

In part one of this two-part blog series, we went over some of the top ways to go about correcting bad money management tips you may be holding onto. Changing just a few simple habits may have more of an impact than you had ever imagined on your overall finances, especially if you’re looking to increase … Continued

Credit Terminology: Credit Score, Inquiries, APR

Within the personal financial world, few concepts are more important than credit. From obtaining loans of various types to opening up a new credit card or line of credit, there are numerous reasons why credit is an important topic — and a few basic terms you should be aware of if you’re utilizing credit in … Continued

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